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Jewellery secrets


How an ancient amulet turned into a fashion accessory? Is it we who choose jewellery or is it jewellery that chooses us? What can bring the most admirable smile into your face? How to assure that you will get help from others and achieve your goals? How to discover a queen in yourself? We will find the answers one by one.

My inspiration >>>>>

The beauty of the Maple Leaf >>>>>

Why I was was inspired by the maple leaves >>>>>

Symbolism of the Maple Leaf >>>>>

How a collection of birds and animals was created >>>>>

Why do I use pearls in my designs so often? >>>>>

Jewellery language. Is it magic, psychology or style? >>>>>

Designer's jewellery... Is it a fashion accessory or a piece of art? >>>>>

Discover a queen in yourself!

- Part 1 >>>>>

- Part 2 >>>>>

How really precious is your stone?

- How does colour and deffects of a stone influence its price? >>>>>

- "Cut", "fire" and "luster" of a gem. What is it? >>>>>

- Why it is important to know about the hardness of your stone >>>>>

- How much does fashion and rareness of a stone influences its price? >>>>>

- Does a big stone always mean "beautiful"? >>>>>

Powerful symbols of birds and animals

- What can bring the most admirable smile into your face? >>>>>

- The true identity of the Phoenix >>>>>

- Who else wants to have a bewitching look? >>>>>

- The symbol of divine power and light >>>>>

- How to assure that you will get help from others and achieve your goals >>>>>

- The symbol of wise foresight >>>>>

- Enjoy the changes that come to your life! >>>>>

Get ready for an art show! >>>>>